
The Number API is useful for developers to buy and manage numbers on the fly. If you need only 1 or a few numbers, you could choose to buy and manage from Hoiio developer portal.

Retrieve available countries

Retrieve the countries and states that have available Hoiio numbers. The country code and state code are needed later for Retrieve available numbers.

res = Hoiio.number.available_countries()

for country in res.entries:
    print '%s [%s] with number prefix %s' % (, country.code, country.prefix)
    # 'USA [US] with number prefix 1'

    # For countries with states
    for state in country.states:
        print '  %s [%s]' % (, state.code)
        # '  Alabama [AL]'

It is not necessary to use this method if the countries you support is pre-determined. You can simply use the country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, and state code in ISO 3166-2 format.

This method is more useful if you want to support new countries dynamically as Hoiio supports them.

Retrieve available numbers

Retrieve the numbers availabe for purchasing.

res = Hoiio.number.available_numbers('US', 'AL')

for entry in res.entries:
    print entry.number
    # '+16001234567'

# Print the total available
print res.total_entries_count

# Print the total in this page
print len(res.entries)

For countries without states, the state argument can be omitted.

res = Hoiio.number.available_numbers('SG')

To access a different page,

res = Hoiio.number.available_numbers('SG', page=2)

Retrieve number cost

Retrieve how much a number subscription will cost for a country. eg. $4 per month

res = Hoiio.number.rate('US')

print res.currency
# 'USD'

for entry in res.entries:
    print '%d month: %f %s' % (entry.duration, entry.rate, res.currency)
    # '1 month: 4 USD'

Subscribe a number

Subscribe a number for x months.

# To subscribe for 1 month
res = Hoiio.number.subscribe('+16001234567', 1)

print 'Subscribed for %f %s' % (res.debit, res.currency)
print 'Expires on %s' % res.expiry

You can also subscribe with auto extension. That way, the number will automatically renew every month.

res = Hoiio.number.subscribe('+16001234567', 'auto_extend')


Make sure you have already added your credit card in Hoiio developer portal.

Configure a number

After subscribing to a number, you can configure the number to notify your server when a call/fax/sms is received on the number.

Number capabilities varies across country; they support a mix of voice, fax and SMS, or none. Voice and fax are mutually exlusive, it’s either one or the other.

As of Sept 2012:

  • US numbers supports voice + SMS
  • Singapore numbers supports voice/fax
  • Hong Kong numbers supports voice
  • Vietnam numbers supports voice
  • Australia numbers supports voice
  • New Zealand numbers supports voice
# Configure for voice only
res = Hoiio.number.configure('+16001234567',
    foward_to = ''

# Configure for SMS only
res = Hoiio.number.configure('+16001234567',
    foward_sms_to = ''

# Configure for voice + SMS
res = Hoiio.number.configure('+16001234567',
    foward_to = '',
    foward_sms_to = '',

# Configure for fax + SMS
res = Hoiio.number.configure('+16001234567',
    foward_to = '',
    foward_sms_to = '',
    mode = 'fax'

Retrieve subscribed numbers

Retrieve details of all your subscribed numbers.

res = Hoiio.number.subscribed_numbers()

for number in res.entries:
    print number.number
    # '+16001234567'

    print number.forward_to
    # ''

    print number.forward_sms_to
    # ''

    print number.expiry
    # 2012-12-31

    print number.auto_extend_status
    # 'enabled'

    # 'US'

    print number.state
    # 'AL'