The IVR APIs are grouped into :

  1. Start blocks: Answer, Dial
  2. Middle blocks: Play, Gather, Record, Monitor
  3. End blocks: Hangup, Transfer

In a call flow, you must start with a Start block, followed by any number of Middle blocks, and lastly end with an End block. For more details, refer to Hoiio IVR Documentation.


When a call is received on your Hoiio number, your server will receive a notification from Hoiio, and Hoiio expect your action - to answer the call, or ignore.

Answer is a pseudo API. You don’t need to explicitly call it. To answer the call, just use a Middle or End block eg. Play a message or Transfer to another number.

The notification from Hoiio includes a session, which is an important data needed for you to make subsequent requests to affect that call session.


Make an outgoing to a number.

res = Hoiio.ivr.dial('+6511111111')

print res.txn_ref
# 'TX-1234'

print res.session
# 'S4643'

An advanced use which call a number with a caller ID, plays a message, and set the max duration for the call.

res = Hoiio.ivr.dial('+6511111111',
    msg = 'Hello. This is an automated message from Hoiio.',
    caller_id = '+6500000000',
    max_duration = '60',
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'


Play a message over the phone

res = Hoiio.ivr.play(session, 'Hello. This is an automated message from Hoiio.',
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True


session represents a session of an IVR call. It is an id eg. “S-1234”. You could retrieve it from Hoiio notification, or res.session after Dial.


Gather a keypad response over the phone. The following code will ask the user to press 1 for yes or press 2 for no. The system will expect only 1 digit, and it will attempt (and repeats) 3 times if the user does not respond. It will also timeout (hangup) if there is no response in 60 seconds.

res = Hoiio.ivr.gather(session,
    msg = 'Hello. Press 1 for yes, press 2 for no.',
    max_digits = 1,
    timeout = 60,
    attempts = 3,
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True


Record a voice message.

res = Hoiio.ivr.record(session,
    msg = 'Hello. We are recording your voice message now.',
    max_duration = 60,
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True


Monitor a phone conversation, that is record the whole phone conversation from the point that Monitor API is called.

res = Hoiio.ivr.monitor(session,
    msg = 'Hello. Note that this phone conversation is recorded.',
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True


Transfer to a phone number or a conference room.

res = Hoiio.ivr.transfer(session, '+6522222222'
    msg = 'Hello. We will be transferring this call.',
    caller_id = '+6500000000',
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True

In the example code above, the call will end no matter if the transfer is successful or not. There are cases where you would want to handle the call if the transfer did not go through eg. dest is busy.

You could revert the Transfer operation by setting on_failure to ‘continue’. This way, you will receive a notification when the transfer did not go through, and you can call subsequent Middle or End blocks. eg. Gather or even another Transfer.

res = Hoiio.ivr.transfer(session, '+6522222222'
    msg = 'Hello. We will be transferring this call.',
    caller_id = '+6500000000',
    on_failure = 'continue'
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'


Hangup a call.

res = Hoiio.ivr.monitor(session,
    msg = 'Hello. We will be hanging up now. Bye!',
    tag = 'myapp',
    notify_url = 'http://my.server.com/myscript'

print res.is_success()
# True

You can call this API at any point of time when a call is in progress. You do not need to wait for a notification before calling this API. However, if hangup is used in this way, the msg parameter will not be played to the user and the call will hangup immediately.